Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sita Rama Class Term 2 Newsletter

Hare Krishna and welcome

Hare Krishna, and welcome back to Term 2, 2016. We have all started on a positive note this term and have settled right back into our regular routines. We would like to also warmly welcome our new Friend Seerat Banga who started at the end of Term 1.

Term 2 overview

The value underlying the curriculum for this term is cleanliness. These themes will be integrated across the curriculum especially in values studies.

In Sastra we will be learning about the 3 modes of material nature (goodness, passion and ignorance) and learning to recite the Brahma Samhita.

English and Literacy
In English and Literacy the children will be exploring aspects of explanation writing (Introductions, detailed explanation and summary) and as well as narrative writing (character description, setting, plot, solution and ending), Joy Alcock’s spelling programme, grammar, vocabulary and reading activities.


For numeracy (strand) this term we will be doing measurement, and time.  We will continue our development and practice in both knowledge and strategy components of the maths curriculum as well as fractions. 

Physical Health and Education

This term we will be exploring various balls skills, and techniques. We will also be participating in team sports such as soccer, hockey, basketball and netball. 

Integrated Inquiry

The integrated topic for this term comes from our “big question” where does our food come from? In the first part of our integrated inquiry we will be exploring the world of bees and pollination. We will explore the life cycle of bees and how important they are to our sustainability. Students will present a group presentation about how bees pollinate and why are they important to us. We will continue to explore our focused topic which in medicinal plants. Sita Rama class have decided that they would like to learn more about medicinal plants and how they have been made and its different uses.

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